Valerie with her "Not Self Center Hand Drawn Chart"
Would you like a chart like this?

Since 2018 I have been learning and growing in my experiment both personally and professionally with Human Design. I find those who are in the minority of Type feel seen and validated with Human Design knowledge. I have been using Human Design in my work and personal life since 2018.

Being a Projector I understand what it feels like to not be in the majority. The majority are Generators. What I have come to realize is most of the information in the culture is for Generators. For example, “hustle culture” is for the Generators who need to run out their energy tanks daily.

But as a Projector, I operate quite differently. I need to be recognized and invited to share what I see. Otherwise, I can be the brunt of frustration, anger, or bitterness. Then I feel bitter. I want this freedom for you as well.

What I started doing for people is giving them what I call an Introduction to Human Design package. This is a brief overview of their Design with the highlights. After this, if they want to work with me with Holistic Guideship incorporating their bodygraph then we do that. Others may find they want to go to a Human Design Analyst for an official reading.

My Introduction to Human Design can bring a clarity and acceptance to who they are mechanically. Human Design is not a belief system, but a mechanical happening. If the Introduction feels valuable to the person, there are numerous options for how to proceed, which we can discuss.

If this introduction sounds of interest to you, reach out to me.

  • Provide a 10 minute introduction to a person’s Human Design bodygraph.
  • Provide a video of me talking to the person about what I see in their chart.
  • Provide screenshots of their HD chart using Jovian Archive images: Two screenshots: one of the bodygraph and one of the Chart Properties.
  • Send the Unlisted video link (on my Youtube channel). Clients can look at it as often as they wish.
  • Paypal payment method preferred.
  • (Optional) I can make your 5 inch by 7 inch hand-drawn chart on archival card stock for posting in a prominent place for daily use. I call it your “Not-Self Center Gentle Reminder” artwork. This is mailed to you.
  • Potential for referral to a HD Reader if I have an intuitive hit of who that would be. This is something I have been struggling with, tbh.

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